Some More Burglaries

26/01 at 1800hrs- Allotments sheds in Seagry broken into- 3x males (believed adults seen running from scene)- nothing reported stolen at this time.

26-27 /01- overnight- Castle Combe- landrover has has lights stolen.

25-27/01- Seagry and Startley Village Hall has been broken into via window- nothing taken.

26/01 2000-2100hrs- two cigarette bins damaged to the value of £70 at Goss Croft Hall in Seagry.

28/01- 1800-2200hrs- Matford Hill in Chippenham- elderly female's property broken into whilst occupant out, via insecure window. Untidy search of house. Jewellery taken.



Elizabeth Duncan
PCSO 6184 for Chippenham Rural NPT
Monkton Park Police Station, Chippenham
Tel: 01249 709501

© Burton Community Association 2014